The Turnip Truck wins the 2016 Retailer of the Year for innovation

INFRA Retailers Sweep Honors at EXPO East

At EXPO East 2016, INFRA members made up 75% of the nominees for the four Retailer of the Year awards, and swept the the awards won. Native Sun Natural Foods won for Best New Store, Nature’s Food Patch won for Community Engagement, Alameda Natural Grocery won for Sustainability, and Turnip Truck won for Innovation. We congratulate all of the nominees and winners for their great work in the industry.

turnip-truck-innovation-winner-sept-2016 turnip-truck-innovation-winner-sept-2016-john-dyke turnip-truck



The Turnip Truck

The people of Nashville love their Publix and Whole Foods, but The Turnip Truck deserves the title of Best Market. The locally owned store has two locations and places a serious emphasis on sourcing locally. Reviewer Jason King said, “This is a nice natural food store with some great ready-to-eat meal options. The prices are reasonable (especially when compared to other natural food markets), and they always seem to have demos and samples out.”

Thank you note from the Turnip Truck: “WOW. Thank you, loyal customers, for supporting our dream of bringing local, organic food to Nashville. You did this!!!”

To see the article go to:

Our grocery-bag partnership with Sewing Training Academy

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – A local charity has helped refugees around Nashville learn to sew in hopes of contributing to the city’s manufacturing industry.

Catholic Charities Sewing Academy has worked to build skilled sewers for today’s manufacturing industry.

In the meantime, students used their skills to make canvas bags for the Turnip Truck in Nashville. The men and women come from all over the world.

“So most of the students in the class at this point are refugees.We’vestudents from 10 different countries. A lot of the students lately have been from Nepal, Burma, Somolia, Syria, Iraq,” said Trishawna Quincy.

You can buy the limited edition bags at the Turnip Truck for $19.99.

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